UNC Counseling Center
The UNC Counseling Center Staff includes licensed professional counselors, licensed psychologists, advanced master’s and doctoral level trainees, new professionals working toward licensure, and administrative staff. We are a team of passionate, caring and committed professionals with experience and expertise in addressing the concerns faced by college students.
Diversity Statement:
We at the UNC Counseling Center are deeply saddened, angered, and grieving in response to recent and ongoing tragedies and systemic injustices, both near and far. Whether it be violence towards BIPOC-identified as well as other marginalized individuals & communities, legislated acts of erasure impacting targeted groups (e.g., LGBTQIA+ communities), ongoing effects of systemic health and environmental inequities or the struggle for criminal justice reform, or acts of domestic terrorism fueled by xenophobic, Islamophobic, and other oppressive beliefs and ideologies, we are here to support you. These have been extremely challenging times for many of us, and our UNC community has endured through so much as a result. We hold firm in our commitment to the broader university’s values of inclusion, equity-minded practices, personal & collective accountability, and respect.
The above examples are tragically a non-exhaustive representation of the increase in hate crimes and other manifestations of systemic oppression that have targeted marginalized individuals and communities. Many of these recurrences are a uniquely national issue, a consequence of decades of systemic racism, White supremacy, and myriad forms of systemic oppression. The campus community is not immune from such forms of injustice. We would be remiss if we did not acknowledge on-campus events that have created a hostile environment not aligned with our university’s values and mission. We at the UNC Counseling Center condemn systemic injustices, recent and historical acts, and firmly believe that such tragedies continue to represent an unacceptable norm.
We acknowledge that everyone processes systemic injustices differently and that they can elicit a complex range of emotions. We also recognize that individuals and collective communities are impacted differentially. We are here to serve as a resource for you and the UNC community. If you would like someone to talk to or need assistance with connecting to resources, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are committed to practices that reflect our values of social justice and anti-racist/anti-oppressive practices, intersectional inclusion, the reduction of mental health stigma, and honoring diversity in all its forms. At the same time, we recognize that we represent the discipline of psychology and mental health care, which has belatedly worked to take ownership of its “role in promoting, perpetuating, and failing to challenge racism, racial discrimination, and human hierarchy in [the] U.S.” (APA, 2021). Furthermore, we are attuned to how our visible and invisible identity markers, privilege, and our implicit biases can create hesitancy and impact the experiences of those seeking support. To that end, we welcome feedback from those who would like to offer it. Yet, the onus is on us to act in alignment with our values, and we affirm our commitment to hold ourselves accountable and to do better, as we must do better.
Contact Us
Second Floor
Cassidy Hall
Phone: 970-351-2496
Fax: 970-351-1485
Email: UNCCounselingcenter@delicious-drop.com
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 12 noon
1 - 5 p.m.
After-hours crisis support is available from 5 p.m. - 8 a.m. and weekends by calling 970-351-2496 select option 2
Upcoming Office Closures
In addition to UNC Holiday closures the office will also be closed on the following dates/times:
March 6th 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Spring Break 2025 Hours:
March 17th: Closed, Administrative Day
March 18th - 20th: Virtual Services Only
March 21st: Closed, Administrative Day
We follow UNC procedures for weather related closures.
For the safety of our staff, as well as our clients, we may shift to all virtual services and/or close our office during potentially hazardous winter weather.
Please call our office at 970-351-2496 to Schedule an Appointment
Release of Information Privacy Practices Outreach Request Form
Services offered to you are confidential, with certain legally mandated exceptions.
Counseling files are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and cannot be accessed by parents, guardians, university personnel or faculty without the student's written permission. Additionally, your attendance at the Counseling Center cannot be verified without your written consent.
Remote Services
We recognize the impact that the pandemic has on the UNC student body and the community at large. We continue to offer services by phone or video. We are also offering in-person appointments. Please call to find out more about our options for services.
Due to licensing and jurisdiction, we can only provide services to students, faculty and staff residing in the state of Colorado at the time of service delivery. If you are out of state, please contact our office. We will work with you to try and connect you with services in the state in which you are currently residing.
Remote Appointments
We offer appointments by phone or video. If you have a scheduled a remote appointment, your counselor will contact you at the time of your appointment.
Drop In Appointments
Remote or in-person appointments are offered from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m - 4 p.m.
For in-person: Come see us at Cassidy Hall, 2nd Floor and one of our on-call providers will see you.
For Remote: Give us a call by 970-351-2496
***These appointments are first come first serve***
Psychiatric Services
Psychiatric appointments are available for a fee. Call 970-351-2496 for more information.
After-Hour Crisis Support
After-hours crisis support is available from 5 p.m. - 8 a.m. and weekends by calling 970-351-2496 select option 2
Additional resources listed below
Initial Consultations
If you haven't been to the Counseling Center before please call for more information.
Call 970-351-2496
Alcohol & Drug Assessments
Call 970-351-2496
for more information.